
Freelance web designer & developer based in Atlanta ,more than 10 years of experience in developing sites for highly prestigious firms. Expertise in Html, Css, Jquery, WordPress & Joomla.


Atul has worked with some of the most prestigious brands in web world ranging from hotel industries to media giants. Few of them are Intercontinental Hotels Group , WebMD, AT&T ,Georgia Pacific & CNN.

Dont experiment, hire an expert

When I speak to any of potential client, I ask number of questions before accepting the project. I want to make sure that at end of the day, what matters most is the commitment & quality of work.

Hiring a professional web developer is always difficult. Before hiring, make sure the freelance web developer you are going to hire has all expertise to make your dream website & functionality as per your expectation. There are thousands of freelance web developers, which one to hire.?